Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 46: Dec 22-28

- We were talking about going to Ace Hardware to buy a replacement screw, and he expressed concern that the screw would fall out of the holes in the shopping cart because it was so small.  He was thinking ahead!

- NOT sleeping through the night anymore.  I don't think I ever mentioned that he WAS sleeping through the night, but he was... shortly after we got back from our November travels, and it was glorious.  I felt like a different person!  (not so much anymore.  He's waking up 1-2 times a night most nights).
- This week he went through a spell of being fussy and wanting to be held all the time (...well, when he's not crawling towards electrical outlets and the cable box - his new fave.)

CHRISTMAS was this week!  The amount of gifts underneath our tree - even before Santa visited - was pretty overwhelming!  We are so fortunately and incredibly spoiled by our friends and family!  It was all a bit too much for the boys.  At first, Jim and I were trying to get everyone to go around and open one present in age order (ha ha, yeah right).  Then we were just trying to get Mason not to want to open and play with every single toy that he opened.  Then we finally gave up on all of that, and realized - it's not the end of the world if all of the presents don't get opened on Christmas day!  We just let Mason go at his own pace, play with things when he opened them, etc.  Once we accepted this system, I think we all enjoyed Christmas more (at least I did!).
We also got to spend Christmas evening at Julia (Eleanor's) house.  It was so fun to go feast with friends, since we couldn't be with family!  Unfortunately I didn't take ANY pictures there... but there are plenty below to recap the week!

Singing "hey!" at the end of Jingle Bells :)
Saying "Da-Dee"
My friends and I did a nice little kid swap -
Where we watched Mae at our house for a few hours while Daryl ran some errands, then I dropped the kids off at her house and went to get a massage.  Sounds pretty great and convenient...
But Mason kind of flipped out.  Daryl actually called me in the middle of my massage because he was so upset, wanting me.  Now, every time since then we've gone to a friends house to play, he asks me if I will please stay and not leave.  Makes me feel bad!
Spinny Spin Spin!
Just more glory and magic to take in out our front door
Mason doing some quality assurance and then picking all the best cookies for Santa.

I asked Mason what he would want to write in a letter to Santa.
He made me switch to the purple marker half way through, since purple is his favorite color... that way Santa would know it came from him.
Santa left a letter back for Mason!

Santa brought the boys a Nilo train/block table, with a drawer for toys!
Mason dove in to opening presents and Jackson dove in eating the paper!
There were a LOT of presents!!
We had to stop and take a break once the fire truck came out!
About half way through the morning, we had made a dent, but still had much to do!
Jackson fits perfectly under the table, and loves playing with Mason's screw set
Mason loved playing with all of Jackson's toys, like his mini medical kit, and also wearing his new fire safety helmet from Grandpa Kerry.
Jackson is getting so interactive with his toys!

I got a new vacuum, which is exactly what I asked for!
I even "got" Mason to look at the camera and smile ;)
I heart this table.  Jackson can pull up on it really easily as well.
Hmm... I think Santa left something in the bottom of Mason's stocking!
(Warning: the scavenger hunt was not as thrilling this year, ha ha!)

One final present from Santa: a train set for the new train table!
Ready to build!
One of my favoritest videos ever.
Mason skating, Jackson trying to catch up
Helper Mason, hanging his new firetruck clock up in his room
Jackson's new walker
Christmas sure took a toll on our garage!
We had some WORK to do!!
The boys played and jumped in their new bounce house while we broke down boxes
Silly Jack.  Watching tv upside down, and hanging out inside the toy box.
Jim and Mason really get a lot of play time these days - and they've been pretty productive!
Firetruck Puzzle!  We should modge podge this and hang it in his room!
Uh oh... Jackson's showing his tickles!!
(something Mason used to do all the time!)
More fun new toys from Christmas!
Batman and Robin jammies/costumes from Uncle Chad!
These have been a HUGE hit for Mason... he is pretty obsessed with Batman now!

Finishing touches on our CLEAN garage!
Finally brave enough to travel the tunnel, with the help of a few toys!
A new snuggly bundle for Jackson in the stroller, thanks to Santa!
Pretty impressive Daddy and Mason imagination!

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