Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Week 38: October 27 - Nov 2

- As a follow up from our God/Satan conversation last week, and the fact that I always try to tell Mas not to say "Oh my God" but instead it's ok to say "Oh my Gosh"... Mason asked me this week, "is Satan Gosh?"
- Mas always gets to read two books at bedtime, often begs for more, and will stay up 'reading' more books by himself.  One night he said, "I just love books SOOO much!"
- His new saying is "Naw, maybe another time" Like if I tell him he needs to eat 2 bites of his dinner.  ha!
- Mason has coined the term "brotherfly kisses" for butterfly kisses with Jackson :).
- Kelsey, our babysitter texted me one day and said, "Mason just informed me that he can never have butter on his head because that's where his brain is and it would tickle it. Hahahaha!"  He's such a silly boy, but I love how much our sitter enjoys him too!
Mason has either not been listening today, or just making bad choices. 
I told him I need him to look at me so I can make sure his ears are working. He said his ears are out of batteries. 
- One morning, instead of his usual sweet high pitched "good morning Jack Jack!", Mason crawled up on the crib and shouted "GAH!" I asked him what happened to his usual good morning, and he said he was out of them. ;)

- He has changed so much in the past week!  He is clapping his hands, lifting them up for "so big!", and he loves making loud noises and yelling any time he is anywhere that echoes.
- He is starting to nurse in little spurts, too busy looking around at what else is going on, and he is definitely not interested in nursing when food is around.

2 seat belts = 2 drivers!
Mason wouldn't leave Jackson's head alone in the car - so Jackson moved up here.  Then somehow Mason got out of the car as well also and ended up here... then he started picking on Jackson's head again...
So we ended up with this!
Jackson has always started flailing like this as soon as you take his clothes off ;)
A special nook for the month at the Children's Museum ~ AVIATION!
They asked Mason if he wanted to feed the turtles
Grandma Iris sent us a fun package that had this super cool pumpkin flashlight!
Mason is growling like a bear.
Left: Jackson had his first taste of cheesy chicken and wild rice... he was not a fan!
Right: Then he didn't trust me to feed him his purees either!  He was NOT happy with me.
Look who's learned to clap his hands!!
Mason got a Koala Club package from Lola, this one was all based on colors.  While I was cooking dinner he "painted whiskers" on his face".  But he also colored that apple all by himself... pretty impressive!
Jackson Pierce is getting SOOOOO big!
Left: Jackson LOVES his house, and I LOVE that I can get some cooking done these days!
Right: Jackson's first Halloween card.  Thanks Grandma Iris!
Baby play date!
Halloween in Downtown Anacortes
My sweet little JACK-o-lantern and fire fighter!
I was able to whip up a Dalmation costume last minute to go with my fire fighter!
Mason LOVED trick-or-treating.  He did a great job of saying trick-or-treat, and thank you.  Then he kept saying, let's go get MORE candy!
Jackson knew something exciting was going on - he kept trying to reach in Mason's bucket and get the candy out!
Mason found an antique fire truck
We tried to get a picture of our group together: Mae, Ellie, Jackson and Mason
The Elk's lodge does a Fall festival at the end of the trick-or-treating strip.  Lots of fun carnival games for more candy!!
And free hot dogs :)
We had dinner at Mae's house that night, and Mason definitely needed to bounce out some of that sugar!  He got pretty innovative with his bouncing.
Funny Face Jack-o-Lantern :)
Pix from the week from our friend's cameras
Music class

My friend Jason sent us these fire badge stickers.
His placement of these stickers - plus the facial expressions - cracks me up!!
Mason always asks me to get my flute out so he can play.
He can't actually blow into it yet, but he likes pushing the buttons while I blow.
Apparently this is Mason's airplane.
Note to self: don't let him keep this stool in his room!
Riding and chomping on Rody

38 weeks!  He loves clapping his hands and clapping toys together.

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