- So I had my first attempt at explaining God and Satan to Mason this week. I think I did a pretty good job other than referring to them as "people", but what else are you supposed to say? So anyway, Satan came about because I sang This Little Light of Mine.
We talked about how we don't want Satan to blow out your "good" because he is the "bad".
His response: but if Satan is a person, he has his own light.
I about died!!! This kid is a thinker.
- One morning we were out at breakfast and I asked him how was his "OJ". Then we talked about how orange starts with an O and juice starts with a J. For the next few minutes, he kept asking me what letter things start with (coffee/yogurt/water) and asking me "how was my c/y/w?"
- I took him off of Miralax about a week ago. It seems that he's starting to get a little stopped up (with more solid poopies) again. He doesn't seem AS bothered by it, and we are still using prunes daily and I am switching to yogurt and probiotic supplementation for digestive help. [spoiler alert - 2 more weeks in, he seems to be doing pretty well going regularly and not terribly bothered by the process, so we're moving in the right direction!]
- I took him off of Miralax about a week ago. It seems that he's starting to get a little stopped up (with more solid poopies) again. He doesn't seem AS bothered by it, and we are still using prunes daily and I am switching to yogurt and probiotic supplementation for digestive help. [spoiler alert - 2 more weeks in, he seems to be doing pretty well going regularly and not terribly bothered by the process, so we're moving in the right direction!]
- He is also continuing to enjoy trying whatever foods he can reach off of my plate, and doing REALLY well drinking water out of a sippy cup and even my camelbak thermos.
Ever the celebrity, I called Mason's name wanting him to look up to take his picture to which he replied "no" without even lifting his head.
I brought Mason's scooter along and let him get out and do some exercise after I did my exercise
Mason's first attempts with his tracing book, pretty good work!
He gets to watch one show while I'm putting Jackson down for his nap - this is what I came downstairs to find.
Picture sent from babysitter Kelsey; Mason wanted to help Jackson sit :)
She seems to really enjoy them, it's been a great fit!
I leave my car with Kelsey so she has the car seats when I go to work on Fridays. They came to the library for some indoor play time, and came upstairs to say hi to me :).
I asked Kelsey if she would take some pictures of Mason at the library that I could use on his weekly Calendar.
A bundled morning run for momma!
Sweet happy Jack Jack, LOVES food!
Jim's out of town, but I really needed some affordable fall work clothes.
In desperation, I took both boys with me to the outlets to hit a few stores.
We actually did a pretty good job getting in and out and spending a bit of money ;)
He kept face planting into the table, seemingly trying to pull himself up
Hurray to the wonderful world of sucking baby food out of packets ;)
Date night with my boys to ChuckECheese!
Mason and I decided Jackson was old enough to ride the hot chocolate cup :)
He seemed to really enjoy it! [bideo]
We got a few picture souveneirs of all our fun
Mason ate a little pizza with his sprinkle cheese
And one more quick errand, where Mason told me, "Look mom, I'm controlling Jackson's hands". (This was better than what he was doing previously - "Mom, I'm strangling Jackson's neck!")
A little bit bigger and sweeter with each week that goes by!
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