Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week 31: September 8-14

- Funny things he said:
"there's a new blueberry shop in Oak Harbour. You should check it out mom. They have ice cream too." (totally pretend, but I love the "you should check it out!) 
"Duncan's licking himself!!  I'm going I tell him we don't kick ourselves. We lick suckers!"
"This is my firehouse... Daddy the firefighter needs to go potty!"
- I took him to the dermatologist this week (rationalizing: we've met our deductible and the new year starts in October) to discuss making sure his sweet little face doesn't scar.  The doctor said he did not scrape the deeper layers and he does not think it will scar at all.  He did give us a sample steroid that will give us a one-week supply to reduce the inflammation.

- Doing better in his crib this week, even with naps.  He's gotten into a better schedule of going down around 8 pm, getting up once around 2/3 am, and then waking up around 6/7 am.  Similar to what he used to do.  That is a much more reasonable schedule for this momma!
- However, now he is not sleeping well in his car seat anymore, lol.  This is unfortunate because he just cries when he gets tired instead of giving in to the sleeps.  This is VERY unfortunate since we drive ~1 hour each way to Bellingham 2x/week and also a few other 30+ minute car trips for errands, etc that he used to sleep during.
- Unfortunately the constipation saga continues.  Weeks 28-29 he did not get any purees and was doing just fine.  Week 30 I added one serving a sweet potatoes a day, and he was stopped up and in pain by the end of the week.  So this week I switched to one ounce of prunes every morning, and a little apple juice / water throughout the day - no progress.  (Again, partially due to having met our deductible) I took him to a different pediatrician this week to get a second opinion on the game plan moving forward.  I didn't really love the idea of giving him Miralax indefinitely because he seems to have a hard time digesting.  Well, this pediatrician had similar advice.  She didn't think he was too "stopped up" anywhere along the line, and said to just focus on "keeping things soft" moving forward with Miralax pro-actively, and suppositories as needed when he seems uncomfortable.  So - we don't really know what the best plan of action is.  He seems interested in food, but it really doesn't seem right to me that he is having so much trouble digesting it.  But for the meanwhile, I'm planning on slowly integrating vegetables into prunes/pears to introduce new foods and hopefully "keep things soft."
- His eczema has also been really bad lately - all over his arms and shoulders, his back is really dry, and his little ankle folds are cracking.
- When he cries, he also squeezes his hand in and out of a fist... possibly making the milk hand signal??
We are back in gymnastics!!
Now we have a Tuesday morning class with our good friends Eleanor and Mae, and a few new friends too!
But with all the great gymnastics-y things to do... look what this little boy with the firetruck shirt found??
The boys playing while Jim and I cook dinner
Bottom right: OH DEAR!!
Baby Led Weaning attempt with some avocado.
Mostly play time!
Feeding himself some H2O
Mason signed for his haircut this week... note there are 5 different lines, one for each letter of his name!
Jackson seems to be happier sleeping on his belly!
Freezer meal exchange cooking week: Mason and I made 8 Cheesy Chicken casseroles!  Hopefully this piece of celery that seems to be up his nose did not make it back into the casserole pile ;).
Kelsey (Friday babysitter) sent me this super sweet picture!

Then it was the weekend, and lots of fun family time!
Saturday morning football watching
Mason has been wanting to tour the snag boat for WEEKS!
We finally went to check it out this week, and it was pretty great!
There was an antique machine show this weekend as well, with this coal powered miniature train!
We also went for a family hike before the Aggie football game that evening
Mason did a really great job of keeping up with us, going the right direction, etc.  
True: The World's Best Bros!
 Jim took this picture and it might be one of my favorites of Mason... I had to zoom in and crop that sweet face!
 We put Mason's new comforter on his bed. 
here he is at nap time reading Cat in the Hat under the sheets, and then fast asleep, laying on his new pillow :)
 This doodle opted for no afternoon nap - so I put him to work with tummy time squirming.
Other than "Jack-Jack," "Cracker Jack" is the nickname I call Jackson the most... so I thought it was time for Mason to know what a Cracker Jack really is!

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