- Is really interested in where everything gets it's energy from. It started with explaining that cars need gas to have energy to go, and we need to eat food and get good sleep so that we will have energy. Then of course there are batteries which provide energy... so now an every day question is where does X get it's energy from? Pretty smart though, asking about things like buildings, trees, storms, etc.
- When you are having a conversation with him, and he learns something new, he will say something like, "I'm going to tell my teachers/Daddy/Duncan that"
- has lots of noises, and chatters all the time. He's really good at a "dya-dya" sound (it could possibly be for "Dada" but I think he's saying Jack Jack) and he just started making a buh-buh (brother??) noise (the first sound that involves closing his lips), but he hasn't figured out the M-sound yet for "momma" and Mason ;).
Jackson is still off of purees for the week, but as a "cheat" to see if we might want to try some baby led weaning, I went for the Mum-Mums, which I know dissolve quick and easily in the mouth. He has to think pretty hard about all of the coordination and chewing, but he seemed to like it!
Awe man. This was a rough morning for me (and presumably for Mason too). We were in a bit of a hurry (aren't we always??) going to his classroom in the morning, as I was running late for an appointment. I had the single jogging stroller with J's carseat clipped in. Mason likes to sit on the front part of it sometimes. So that's where he was this particular morning, so he could eat his breakfast on the way to his classroom. Needless to say at this point, he fell of the front and got pretty scratched up :(
I was quite panicky, but trying to stay calm and not make too big of a deal out of it in front of Mason. I was surprised to find out that the classrooms are not allowed (?) to stock hydrogen peroxide or neosporin. So we pretty much just cleaned it off with a wet paper towel, tried to put an ice pack on it for counts of 10, and then let him go on his less-than-merry way. I was struggling with whether to leave him at school or not, but at this point I was late for my appointment and he was wanting to stay.
So he went on to playing, and I went to my appointment and then called and checked on him right away. They said he was doing well, so he stayed through lunch time.
This is how it looked by the time I picked him up
I was trying to keep him away from the mirrors, because I wasn't sure how he would react to seeing it. But he wanted to look at it, just said "Oh my" and then started shaking his head around and making his eyebrows go up and down so the whole thing moved around on his face. Kids :)
This is where Jackson ends up if he wakes up between 4-6 am, and my alarm clock is set for 6:00. You can see he was pretty upset that we turned on the lights, ha ha!
This one's for you Paige/Lauren/Melissa!
Mason's face the next morning. He didn't really want me to take a picture, but you can see his eye was getting more swollen. When I picked him up from school after a full day, it was really pussy (sorry!). I didn't know if it was just from being wet with Neosporin (his school is allowed to apply Neosporin if you bring it and fill out a medical report - and man, they really glob it on there), whether that was part of the healing process, or whether it was infected. All I know is it did not look cute. So we went to the urgent care walk-in clinic on our way home. Thankfully the doctor said everything looked fine, and he checked his eye and his teeth too. Though I will rest assured knowing the peace of mind was worth whatever insurance decides to bill us for that visit. ;)
My best attempts to get a picture of my Aggie boys for the first Aggie football game of the season. Mason was being a bit of a silly Peetoot, but also sweet, giving his bro some sweet kisses.
We had a nice little picnic to watch the game, and actually were able to all stay in the living room and get through most of the game while entertaining the boys.
Mason was ever the helper, that sweet boy.
Jackson kept stealing my Camelbak water bottle to teeth on
Some Jack Jack sweetness the following morning
The boys being sweet together
And later that day - a silly Mason, singing funny lyrics to a motivational song ;)

By the end of the weekend, Mason's face was looking a lot better.
Yet with some interesting irritation through the cheek.
And yes, he gets to pick "a special treat" twice a day (after waking from bed and nap) for being brave and sitting still to get the Neosporin on. ;)

By the end of the weekend, Mason's face was looking a lot better.
Yet with some interesting irritation through the cheek.
And yes, he gets to pick "a special treat" twice a day (after waking from bed and nap) for being brave and sitting still to get the Neosporin on. ;)
And finally, drumroll please....
We finally have a crib! How crazy it has been trying to get a grey crib, they have been on back order for months! Granted, it was not wise on my part to wait to order a crib until we returned from our trip(s) in May, but we have been waiting since then! This is actually the original crib I wanted, but after a few months it said it was still on back order, so I switched to a different crib ~ and then got a message that the other crib was on back order too. So, I called a boutique in Bellingham that I had previously checked into, and they said they thought they could get ONE <and only one> of this crib... and boy did they deliver!
Here's a little sample of how the nursery will start to come together... but you'll have to wait for next week for that!
That wraps up week #29!
With a baby on the move
And a sweet big bro getting in on the photo action:
Both starring in the photos...
Both starring in the photos...
and taking some photos!
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