Friday, August 29, 2014

Week 28: August 18-24

Well, I thought I had notes written down about our sweet Peetoots from last week, but there is nothing waiting for me here, and I'm sleepy, so we'll just move on the the weekly pix! ;)

 Almost as cute as "dinky" babies
 Grandma Iris sent a sweet little package with a firetruck sweatshirt, and firetruck and ambulance toys!  Mason is in heaven!
 I forgot some papers at work on Wednesday, and since I wouldn't be going back until the following Monday, I took the boys on a field trip to campus
 It's a beautiful campus to walk around 
But it is hilly, and that means lots of stairs.  We had to take a few breaks along the way!  
Jack Jack crackin me up! 
Getting very comfortable sitting in the bumbo 
Apparently Duncan is more fun than his playmat! 
 "This ground is kind of like Rice Crispies"
 Ready to take a trip to the San Juan Island on this foggy morning
We had to get in the Ferry line early to guarantee a spot 
 Mason entertained  himself by playing in Jackson's carseat ;)
 On the ferry ready for our trip!
Of course Mason very quickly spotted the fire supplies. 
Jackets and blankets were definitely needed! 
 I was highly entertained by Jim's approach to helping Mason at the water fountain
We checked out the British camp, and learned a little about doing laundry and chopping wood for shingles. 
 And had a sweet little family picnic
It was a beautiful place
 Spiderman needed a little Spidey nap after that adventure!
 Then we went to the lighthouse.  I was hoping we would spot some whales here but they were not out while we were there.  Jim asked Mason to give me a kiss, and he apparently opted for a kiss on my leg :)
 Ha ha, Mason does not look like he's enjoying himself
 We were hoping for a "beach" where we could play in the sand, or at least throw rocks in the water.  We had to use our bucket to collect rocks from the gravel, and throw rocks off the cliff down into the water.
Jack Jack was pretty happy all day.  Well, there was this one moment when we were driving around not knowing where we were going that he was totally losing it, and Jim had to drop us off so we could walk around and he could fall asleep in the Ergo... but other than that he was all smiles and giggle, giggle, giggles
Mason was able to get some good giggles out of him too.   
 The next day, I took both boys and Duncan out for a walk.  
Jackson sat in the stroller like a big boy!
 Then "chunky Dunky" needed to sit in the stroller like a big boy too.
 So Mason became my walking buddy
 But then he got tired too.
It was not our most successful outing, but it made for some good pictures! ;) 
 28: These weeks keep rolling by!

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