Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 18: June 9-15

- had his second swimming lessons class this week, at first he was very clingy, but he loved to "monkey down the wall" (hold on to the wall with his hands and walk all the way around the pool to the stairs).  He was still being hesitant about putting even just his mouth in the water to blow bubbles.  The instructor pulled out a floatie and suggested that Mason stand on it to "surf" (holding our hands on each side), run to the edge, and jump off into the water.  He was the only student who would do it (granted he's the oldest in the class by far), and he was all about it!  He went completely underwater twice, and was so excited about it saying "I'm just like a scuba diver!"  It was SUCH a relief for me, after how timid he has been!

- has been introduced to Sophie (the giraffe toy), he seems to have pretty good hand to mouth control.
- I noticed that he makes a groaning sound when he's getting tired, and two days in a row I had success putting him down in his crib for naps and he fell asleep on own with no swaddle, no feeding, no pacifier.  I was very excited about that because he starts day care next week and I was worried about whether or not he'd sleep/stay asleep there [they aren't allowed to sleep in a swing or anything there... he sleeps through the night in his pack n play, but I do still utilize the swing and car seat (via stroller workouts or errands in the car) during the day for naps].  I think he was on to me though - because he didn't go down that easily for naps any other days that week :).

Both boys love some Exersauc-ing
Daddy is super fun and very smart...
He drew a chalk fire that Mason could spray out with water :)
Duncan was all about some Jack Jack one morning.  
Look at how he was hanging off the bed to be next to him!
We went for a walk one afternoon (me + double stroller + Mason's scooter + Duncan), and at one point while Mason was scooting, Duncan decided he had walked far enough and went deep into this person's shady lawn and literally would not move.  
It worked out well for Mason though, since there was a fire hydrant right there - his new favorite obsession!
Photographic evidence that I do very occasionally make Jackson do tummy time ;)
(this might be the best "head lift" he's ever done)
A day's work at home for mommy, 
lots of sweetness from Jackson!
More sweetness!
Mason and Jim enjoyed "Dad's and Donuts" day at school for Father's day
Ugh, that cheese face!!
Mason and Jackson made some sweet pictures for Daddy's special day
We spent Father's Day in Seattle shopping (i.e.: admiring ourselves)
Riding the Carousel
A delicious waterfront brunch
two happy boys
and would you believe... the fire station was right next door to where we were eating.  We could see the fireboat out in the water right outside our window!!
Pretty happy little dude these days!

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