- I started him in a new swimming lesson program. A couple of our friends have been going, and we did not join them initially because we were going to gymnastics on Monday nights, it was a further drive, and I didn't have care for Jackson. BUT after hearing about how successful the class was for Ellie and Mae (especially compared to my frustration about the lame aqua baby class here in Anacortes) I thought it would be worth trying out. This week was the first class, and unfortunately he clanged to me the whole time and kept saying, "I'm all done, I want to get out". But I was able to get him to stay for the whole 30-minutes, mostly watching, occasionally participating (but not really even blowing bubbles and things that he can already do). I left pretty frustrated, though I am hopeful that next week will be better. On the drive home, he actually said, "turn the car around. I want to swim some more!" I'm hoping he just needs to process things.
- On Friday he had a dentist appointment, just an annual check up. Everything looked great, the dentist said his gums are very healthy, and that he has 4 molars poking through in the back.
- just as cute and sweet as ever!
We had two fun parties to go to this week! Friday was the end of the school year party at Mason's school (his program is year round, but there are Kindergarten classes there that have summer break), and Saturday Jim got promoted to O-5 (way to go, hubby!) and the squadron had a picnic to celebrate their first operational flights in the Growler.
This sweet boy ended up having a fever last week after our trip for a couple days. On this particular day after his fever had broke, I noticed he had a little rash on his torso and head. We called the doc but never ended up going in - but I captured these sweet and silly photos while I had him undressed initially thinking that he was having an irritation to the clothes either he or I was wearing.
Just a boy relaxin on his pup
Somebody rolled over!! (From back to belly)
Every day when I stroll Jackson into Mason's classroom to pick him up, the kids swarm :)
Jack Jack's first FaceTime!
(sorry Daddy I didn't give you notice that I was taking a pic!)
Firefighter Mason with his "fire hat" and his "red fire truck"
I feel like this boy's hair is going to have some red in it. Maybe a strawberry blonde??
While Jackson napped, Mason and I surprised him by putting together (and testing out) his exersaucer.
Look who moved up to join our table instead of using his high chair tray!
<3 Boys in Polo's <3
The Lockard clan framed my diploma with a Benjamin Knox picture!
Sweet boy, just staying up reading books in bed
He had 7 books in bed by the time he fell asleep
The next day for nap, his bed looked like this...
So of course I had to go check!
Mason, Mickey, Monkey, Sleepy Pup, Blankey Pup, and Blankey all snuggled in!
Jim's promotion
Mason got to pull off his 0-4 rank patches, revealing his new shiny 0-5 patches
Proud little family!
Mason asked "May I solute?" in the sweetest voice ever
Unfortunately the photographer missed it ;)
This is how Mason fell asleep on Saturday night, so we figured it was time for an upgrade! We have been going back and forth on what kind of bed to get him, and finally just decided to get a full size mattress and box spring to use with his crib headboard.
Happy and relaxed little boy!
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