Friday, November 25, 2016

April 2016

Kind of random, but I did have one note written, sitting here on this post waiting months for publish ;).
We had started private swimming lessons this month for the boys together, and I wrote:
"Fairly successful swim! No tears... Mason hopped right in and did everything the teacher asked.  Jackson was skeptical to get in so we watched for a few minutes and then I got in to play with him. 
Jackson REALLY didn't want to play Humpty Dumpty (sit on the side and slide in) but once I made him do it he wanted to do it about 20x.  And Mason got to go down the water slide!"

That's all I've got, other than a bunch of pictures!!

Car wash!  Jackson LOVED the "octopus" he kept talking about it!
Chuck E Cheese birthday party
(For the life of me, I can't remember whose!)
Jackson's best buddy from school: Ben
(he's also "Chilly's" son - a female aviator in Jim's squadron)
I love these sketches that Chuck E draws!

Swimming lesson with Ms. Patty and Mason coming down the slide!  (I went down it holding Jackson later in the summer... it is ridiculously FAST!)
This was during nap time I believe...
"Mommy, I need help!"
he got himself stuck on his dresser!

Guess who's home???!!!
Welcome home Daddy!
<3 <3 <3
It was also our 10th Anniversary.
I LOVE this family picture we took!
It's an update to one of our favorite wedding day photos!

We killed a little time at the playground while waiting for the big plane with the rest of the staff to come in.
One of Jackson's souvenirs :)
Family picnic at one of our favorite spots!
It's a pretty steep climb!

Jim & Mason special breakfast

Hopping on the train for a weekend in Vancouver, Canada!
The boys loved riding in cabs to all our activities
Left: fun scooping with Jackson at the park!
Right: Reminiscing about scooping with Mason in NC!

Vancouver Aquarium!

We enjoyed some pizza in the room, watching the skater boys do tricks on the stairs and ramps below
Mason took our picture while we were waiting for our bus

Day 2: Capilano Suspension Bridge!

Looks like Mason is about the wingspan of a raven!
This bridge was intense!
Silliness on the bus
Another time warp: 3 year old Mason and 1 year old Mason carrying the ride it backpack!
There's a lot to love in this picture!
Silly, sweet, happy dancing Jack
Hotel rowdiness
Day 3: Science Center!  Didn't take Jackson very long to find the drums.
Train ride back home!
A whole lotta sweetness <3
Jackson got his finger shut in the bathroom door in Vancouver, so we went to get it checked out when we got back home.  All looked well, and his tiny bones are oh so sweet!
The boys wanted to put masks on and pretend they were doctors.

Jim got to go to Texas for an airshow and also see Sassy and Pops
The boys and I (along with Julia and Eleanor and Chris and Cooper) went to Bellingham for the Superhero 5K
Apparently another family dressed as the Incredibles won the race, and we were almost given their prize at the end.  HA! 
A Dairy Queen treat after bedtime! <gasp>
Silly and sweet boys.  Mason fell asleep playing on my phone, and Jackson got ready for the rain outside.
And then it was Daddy's turn!  Jim took care of the boys for a long weekend while I went to Texas for Lauren's bachelorette weekend at Sharon's house at the Frio!

We got all the essential groceries
And even got in some exercise!
Had so much fun on the water
It was a great group of girls!
This floatie was a MUST GET.  It was so awesome!
We put our money together to get it and donate it to the house :)
Texas bluebonnets ;)
Meanwhile, back home...
Jim took the boys shopping for shoes and drum accessories
And they rode the ferry home!
Ending the month with some serious sweetness!

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