Friday, June 19, 2015

The J-Lo is Awesome Tour: Part 1

For about a week and a half (Wednesday, April 22 - Saturday, May 2nd) the boys and I got to go on a little trip we called the J-Lo is Awesome Tour!  First we got to go to North Carolina to celebrate his graduation from the MBA @ UNC program (added bonus, my mom lives there!), and then we went on to spend a week in Key West, FL for VAQ-209's Change of Command where Jim became the XO (executive officer) of the squadron!

An 11:48 pm departure allowed for plenty of play time
Unfortunately we had a layover in TX after a 4 hour flight, so not quiet enough sleep was had!
But we made it to NC, and got a good tuck-in by Lola that night
(I don't really remember much about what we did during that day!!)
The next morning we met Jim's parents in Downtown Durham to eat at a well-known Chicken and Waffles restaurant.  There was a skate shop next door and a bank with these fun bars where we kept pretending we were in jail while we were waiting for our table.
It was pretty tasty!  A fun experience.
I would definitely go again, and suggest it to anyone visiting the area!
Jack Jack couldn't hang and fell asleep on the drive home.
Then he didn't want to nap anymore by the time we got back to Lola's house, so instead:
We had a sweet little "Puffs" snack with Lola
and then went on to the mall.
Mason rocked Nordstrom - from helping Jim tried on shoes to trying out some purses and glasses :)
A sweet Jack and Pops moment at the mall
Saturday was Jim's graduation.  Fortunately we were able to get some pictures at the Old Well before the ceremony and all the rain!

This sweetness was pretty adorable... until there was a slight scare with him getting his head stuck between these bars.  Eek!
When we walked into graduation, all of the kids were given Carolina teddy bears, I loved that!  The boys did a pretty good job sitting and entertaining themselves... for the first 5-10 minutes ;).
Mason entertained himself with selfies for another - 30 seconds or so.
And then Daddy graduated!  Mason exclaimed, "Happy Graduatioooooooooooooooon!!"
stretched out for the entire amount of time he was on the stage.
At this point, he had also eaten a sucker and I think the sugar was starting to get to him.  He exclaimed "Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!" while someone else was on stage and the crowd was cheering, and then he sat back, quieted down, and said something like, "I think I've said too much."  Ha!
I'm glad we got to see Jim walk across the stage, but then the boys and I spent the rest of the graduation out in the lobby.
That night we went to Top of the Hill for dinner with Jim's parents and my mom and Jennifer.
Great food, great company, sweet children!  It was a fun celebration :) :)
Unfortunately that was the end of our quick trip to NC.  We were sad to go, but excited to move on to a week at the beach!  To be continued!!

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