Saturday, June 27, 2015

May 2015

May seems like such a long time ago at this point.  I do have a few notes written down to share!

The boys had a joint-check up with their pediatrician.  Mason's 3 year old appointment (somehow he has gotten a few months off, but can't get back on track because insurance requires the annual appointments to be 365 days apart), and Jackson's 15-month.  Their stats:
Mason: 35 lb (76%ile), height 39.5" (84%ile)
Jackson: 22 lb (16%ile), height 32.25" (77%ile), and head 47.4 cm (62%ile)
(by the way, Mason's favorite color is purple, and somewhere along the line we/Mason decided to assign green as Jackson's favorite color, so whenever I color coordinate things for them, those are the colors they get ;).)
Mason got to try an eye chart and wasn't super awesome at it.  The nurse dove straight in to having him stand a mile away, covering an eye, and reading a very tiny line of font that I couldn't even see with contacts in and both eyes open.  Then I think he was discouraged and didn't want to try anymore.  I bribed him with a milkshake to give it one more try, and the most we got out of him was 20/50, but we aren't sure if he was just being shy/stubborn or really not able to see.  The nurse said she'd write us a referral to get checked by an optometrist if we wanted, but we haven't pursued that yet.
While we were in with the doctor, Mason picked up my phone and said, "hang on please, I need to send an important message to Jim." then he held the phone up to his mouth and started talking and then said "dot, dot, dot" which is exactly what I do when having Siri type for me!  (I use a lot of ellipses, it appears.)  The Doc and I both looked at each other and cracked up!  He knew exactly what Mason was doing too.

One other funny Mason moment this month was one day he saw a box at the door and yelled, "we have an Amazon package!" (It wasn't from Amazon, though we sure rely on them these days, and he's definitely picked that up!)

Jackson or should I say: Jackson
- His 2 top molars popped in this month, so he has the 4 front teeth, then a space, then the molars.
- He now says both yes and no (hurray for picking up YES), and also uses up and down
- He's on the same routine as Mason now where he gets to read 2 books at bedtime, and 1 book for nap.  He really seems to enjoy reading books.  Some books he will request by name, or by a picture in them that he likes ("hot" = fire = goodnight moon because there's a fireplace in it... you would have figured that one out right??)
- He is still 100% all about balloons and balls.  Playing with them, seeing them in books and movies.  Always.
- He can slide down the stairs and off of beds feet first, HURRAY for safety!!
- He understands orders ("can you put this in the trash?" "Can you clean up your blocks?"), and he understands questions/options like "do you want to get in bed? No? Then lay down on my shoulder."
- I made up a song for him one day when he was very little and we were dancing around the kitchen, and it has become our night time song: "Mommy loves you, yes I do.  And your brother Mason too.  Daddy loves all us three, we're a happy family.  Yes, Mommy loves you, Yes, Daddy loves you, Yes, Mason loves you, we're a family."  Anyway, he likes to sing it all the time, he goes around singing, "Mama mama, yeah yeah yeah!"  It's so precious!

The Seis de Mayo ~ Duncan's 8th birthday!
Jackson loved getting the balloons, and Mason helped him blow out his candle.
Mason's school did a "Muffins with Mom" celebration for Mother's Day, but I couldn't go because I had to get to Bellingham, so I took the boys to "the muffin man store" (aka The Store Grocery) earlier in the day so we could do our own muffins with mom!  These boys are a hot mess.

Helping daddy sand and stain our outdoor chairs
(in his $50 appliqued shirt! <cringe, cringe>)
Mother's Day!  After a nice little sleep in and my favorite coffee and apple fritter (from different stores, mind you) at home, the boys surprised me with a ferry ride to Port Townsend for the day!
Jack Jack didn't let our travels disrupt his nap time schedule too much

Two attempts at a picture, one with each boy looking.
  In the magical photoshopping hands of Cindy: BOOM SAUCE!
One pretty awesome picture.
 Mason's happy place: a day hike and some rock throwing at Deception Pass
A beautiful day at the Farmer's market.
Minus my weird finger pulling hair out of my face, the first picture is my fave. 
Silly boys 
Against my better judgement, I gave Jackson a "sauce" to eat in the car.  Mess.Y.
On the plus side, as you can see from the picture on the right, we were REALLY due for a clean out! 
 Speaking of cleaning, man oh man: SPILT MILK!
So - Jackson had taken his milk cup behind the table and turned the whole thing upside down and dumped it out.  Meanwhile, I was in the middle of pouring some milk for Mason, and left his cup on the counter with the lid sitting on top but not screwed on.  While I was cleaning up milk spill #1 (ala Jackson), Mason went to grab his cup, not realizing the lid was not screwed on yet, and dumped it EVERYWHERE!  This was the only picture I could get in the midst of all the chaos.  By the way: milk is sticky!
 A day in Seattle: heading up the Space Needle!

Free tourist pictures

 Both boys seemed to have a good time!
There was a big interactive playground nearby, where we spent a few hours  
The main reason we were in Seattle for the day was to meet up with two of Jim's friends (who now live in the Seattle area) from when he worked at ONI in DC.  They each have 2 boys, one who is 3-4 years old, and one who is 1-1.5 yrs old.  CRAZINESS with 6 boys! 
 We opted to just meet at Gina's house, did some playtime there, scooted to a park to burn off some more energy, then had Chipotle back at her house before heading home.
 Had to get a pic of all the dudes together 
 New and improved version of Mason's school picture 
 Dr's appointment and milkshake bribe to follow
Mason got to stand on the adult scale, get his height measured on the wall (instead of laying down), and got his blood pressure checked for the first time: BIG BOY!
  These boys LOVE their corn straight off the cob.
Makes their Cornhusker relatives proud!!
Left: Danger Ranger bros - fortunately wearing their helmets 
 Right: Mason sadly kissing goodbye to a basket of toys headed to Goodwill 
While Jackster still looks fairly bald on top, he's definitely growing some hair!

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