- I've been saying "negative" to him instead of "no" and he thinks it's really funny. We taught him "that's a red hot negative!" and he loves to say that. Then it turns in to something like, "that's a purple cold negative!"

Still on my conference trip to Atlanta ~ At the Olympic Garden
Mom, Jen, and Jackson got to come down and check out the end of my poster presentation session.
He gets REALLY excited about his food.
It seems the miralax + prunes or pears + occasional laxative (had to use 2x this first week and not again since) is working well.
Just a little sweet nap holding onto his sunshade
A last minute photo op on our way out of the hotel
Bye Lola, we'll miss you!!
Souvenir success! From Hard Rock Cafe
I made the mistake of telling Mason I had a surprise for him while talking to him on the phone while driving home. I walked in to "what kind of surprise, mommy?"
About 20 minutes into playing with them, he stopped and said, "ok, I'm ready to give you a hug now!"
Our little lives are so crazy, and Mason wakes up every day asking "is it a school day?" Or "what are we doing today?" So we are making a weekly calendar with pictures that will help him keep track of what is coming up (and maybe learn his numbers and days of the week a little bit).
From Atlanta to Seattle on Tuesday, right into the Fall quarter at Bellingham on Wednsday, right into a Sassy & Pops visit on Friday!
These boys sure love their Daddy.
Jackson's face lights up, and he kick-kick-kicks his feet when he sees him. If I'm nursing him, he will let go and practically do a back bend to look behind him if he hears Jim's voice.
Mason and Jim have certainly developed a special buddy relationship over the months that I have been taking care of Jackson, and Jim typically puts Mason to bed too so they get lots of time together.
It took him a few minutes to warm up, but Jackson figured out that this Sassy lady is pretty great.
Dinner at Rockfish. Mason LOVED the coconut prawns, and is very interested in opportunities to use a knife ;)
Napkin bibs - Pops style.
Lazy morning sweetness
Rallying with our 12th man towels before the Aggie game went into overtime, and a little victory hug.
A visit to our new favorite snag boat with S&P
Learning about the train connector with Pops at the Farmers Market
Sassy and Jim and Mason went shopping for some fabric and supplies to make curtains for the boys rooms.
Mason took S&P to one of his favorite rock throwing + park locations to wrap up the weekend.
3 generations of MJL
Great pictures!!
Like son, like father :)
33 weeks!!
Except I could only find one "3" block, but by the magic hands of Cindy Jennings, and a little photo shop action, you can see we achieved "33"!
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