Sunday, June 17, 2018

March 2017

March brought...

Miscellaneous cuteness

A night at a Brewery for family trivia

Lunch with friends
Ice cream on the way home!

A pretend beach vacation in the house
(because we were OVER the snow!!)
School fundraiser to watch Big Hero 6
We had never seen it before, but it quickly became a favorite!
Sitting with Tyee
Mason making me jello in preparation for my tonsillectomy the next day. 
Naughty but cute, grabbing momma's glasses
My. Heart. Melted.
"once upon a time..."
Resting up and being well taken care of after having my tonsils out
Super cute and sweet, from Lola and Jennifer!
Some sweet St. Patty's boys
Mason set a leprechaun trap - he didn't catch anything, but there were chocolate coins left behind!
More sweet recovery snuggles.
This is also when the boys first watched Moana...
and again, about 20 times
Watering the mud
Mason snuggling with Daddy in our bed -
They have been reading a chapter of "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" each night.
A silly face dinky-dink snuggler
(I think it's the hair, but sometimes I see Mason in these pix)
Cooper and Mason made masks at school

This is where our trip to THE GREAT WOLF LODGE happened!
I had done a "live" post about this while we were there, but I'll shift it to appearing next on the blog!

Just some sweet cute boys

Jim and I, plus Flu, Shannon, and one other couple, went to Escape Anacortes and broke the record, escaping in 44 minutes!
Mason made my bed <3

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