If you haven't noticed, I'm moving away from the weekly blog posts ;). I have tried my best to keep up with a weekly ordeal through Jackson's first year, but now I plan on doing a monthly post about what we've been up to, with occasional bonus posts about specific events. I'm going to attempt NOT to post every picture that I take anymore, BUT I can't promise anything there. So here's a little about the rest of our February Fun!
- (spoiler alert to the pictures below, I got a new van!) Mason wants to name the van either "steering wheel" or "booba"
- We were talking about how people go to church to learn and be reminded about making good choices. Mason said to us, "Eli Windsor needs to go to church!" (This is a kid in his classroom at school, who he is always adamant about NOT being friends with, ha ha!)
- One night Mason surprised me with his answer to something, I don't even remember what... but I asked him, "how did you know that?!" and he responded, "I just used my brain!"
- Another day he told me, "I'm smart, I just make bad choices sometimes."
- He LOVES Monsters Inc. right now, and pretending to come out from a closet and scare you while you're sleeping. When I'm doing laundry, he'll ask me if he can "borrow a human sock" to play with. It's hilarious hearing him going around the house referring to it as a human sock, but it's all role play from the movie.
- I got this great note from the supervisor at his preschool program!
Hi Brittanie,
I thought I would share a great story about Mason from Wednesday morning. Kept meaning to send it. Love the way his mind thinks! Mason and a few children and I were in the home center, he was being a fireman, engaging really into his play. An issue arose in the block area, I turned to talk with the children about pushing. Mason come over and said, "We need a traffic light in here" I figured it was involving firemen or something. I asked, "what would we do with it?" He said, "for them to stop pushing" I said, "that would be a great idea to try to see if it would work." He shrugged with true sincerity saying, "all we need is red" and walked back to the sink for his fire water hose.
- This sweet little thing has taken to swatting things away if you offer them to him and he isn't interested. So watch out, you could end up with a spoon or the whole bowl full of mush across the room!
- He really enjoys pointing and saying "that, that, that" over and over until you can figure out his request
- I love to hear him say words like: woah, wow, and wee - he does the different intonations with his voice, a rise and a fall, quite cute!
- It seems he has a lot of words, but in general a lot of them sound like either Dah-dee (Daddy, Duncan, Thank you, etc.) or buh-buh (Brother, Bottle, Bubbles, etc.)
"I'm feeding my baby"
"I don't have clips on my bra like you do, so I have to take my shirt off."
"Don't bite me baby!"
He climbs in and ON his truck all by himself!
Just enjoying being a kid!
Cooper's Mickey Mouse birthday party. Happy Bday Coop!
The next day was a holiday. The mommas had to work, but the dads got together to take Cooper and Mason on a hike!
I love me some upside down silly Jack
Fixing his truck up for a race
Mas and Jack got a new ride! It fit pretty well in the back of Soroxy too, but...
it fits even better in the back of MY new ride!
a NEW VAN! Finally, sliding doors! and SOOOO much space!! =)
Mommy guilt and sadness:
Jackson got splashed with some hot oil while I was cooking spaghetti. He was 2 cupboards away playing on the floor. We ran out to the walk in clinic and then lathered him up with ointment and wrapped it for the night, telling us to follow up with his doc the next day.
At the doctor's the next day, the redness on his chest is just from the bandaid! You can see the three different spots on his arm though - the elbow was the worst, but only 2nd degree. His hand has first degree burns.

This picture on the right is how I cooked dinner the next night... no kids allowed!!
Lord help me.
I stay home from work with this kid because he has a burned arm, and what does he do? Climbs up on a chair, onto this desk, and when I found him he was standing up looking over the banister!!
(In my defense #1- I was in the room right next door, putting his laundry away. Checking on him frequently, but *thinking* that other than heading towards the stairs he would be safe - and I could see the stairs from my location, and #2 - I had my phone in my back pocket, definitely had to snatch a quick pic!)
We drove daddy to the Seattle airport, and definitely needed to find a place to stop and play on the way home. Jackson seems to enjoy the swings!
Big bro, big sweet helper.
It was pretty cold and wet at that park, so we didn't stay long. But made it just a bit further down the road when Mason needed to go potty and happened upon a McD's playland! That gave us a good opportunity to get more energy out before finishing our drive.
Sands alive: one of Mason's favorite presents from his birthday. He played with it for over an hour! (Mommy likes that too, hee hee!) Then he had to put out his orange cones to make sure no one came near while he was cleaning up the mess.
(Mason's birthday will be a separate post). Mason did a great job "writing" and stuffing thank you notes to his friends for his gifts!
"The wheels on the bus go round and round!"
Getting faster with his walking, even with a brother obstacle!
Pushing anything that will roll.
I had to bring his walking toy outside to slow him down a bit!
Brothers Sands Alive.
Jackson still being a naughty monkey (he pushed the chair over to there!).
Jackson fixing the light switch after seeing Brother do it.
Sweet brother goodnights
A picture from Daddy who was all dressed up without a date, poor guy.
And a family FaceTime!
1. "no no no no"
2. "Jack Jack!"
3. more monkey business! After I pulled the chair away from the desk.
And (other than Mason's awesome third birthday party) that wraps up our February Bonkers Fun, wait til you get into our March Madness!